Web Design and Optimization

Websites provide a great opportunity for businesses to educate and interact with their visitors. We can help businesses set up and optimize their sites to attract more visitors and turn them into customers.

 Google Places Optimization

Digital Marketing Google PlacesGoogle puts high priority on its Google Places for local searches. Google places often takes up the majority of the top listings on a local search page. We assist business set up and optimize their Google Places listing as this may be the first item people see when they are searching for a product or service.

Mobile Web Site Development

Mobile Digital MarketingWith over half of local searches being conducted on mobile devices it is imperative that businesses have a mobile friendly website or risk losing many potential customers. We provide easy and inexpensive solutions to this rising problem. Go here for more details.





SMS Text Marketing

digital marketing qr codeBusinesses understand that the easiest way to generate new sales is from existing customers. Text marketing offers a way to have your promotions delivered right into your customers’ pocket. Over 80% of text messages are seen within 4 minutes. Set up promotions to reward your customers who bring a friend and your customer base will be quickly increased. Find out more.

Facebook Fan-pages

Savvy business owners are utilizing the power of Facebook Fan-pages to connect with their customers. We can help set up an attractive fan page that will quickly go viral. Integrating our Facebook promotional services will rapidly increase the likes on your fan-page thus increasing the number of potential customers you reach.


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